Over the past several days, I've stumbled across several fantastic vids and pics, some old, some new. I'll let the images speak for themselves.
1)Symphony of Science: "We Are All Connected"
From melodysheep's YouTube note (full lyrics avail there):
"We Are All Connected" was made from sampling Carl Sagan's Cosmos, The History Channel's Universe series, Richard Feynman's 1983 interviews, Neil deGrasse Tyson's cosmic sermon, and Bill Nye's Eyes of Nye Series, plus added visuals from The Elegant Universe (NOVA), Stephen Hawking's Universe, Cosmos, the Powers of 10, and more. It is a tribute to great minds of science, intended to spread scientific knowledge and philosophy through the medium of music.
[found my way to this via Andrew Baron on Magma, who found it via Sam Lehman]
2)Gorgeous pics of Antarctic icebergs
Inhabitat.com has some incredible images of icebergs featuring stripes and beautiful blues taken by Norwegian sailor Oyvind Tangen on a research ship 660 miles north of the Antarctic. Apparently, the pics made the rounds via email, which skipped my in-box, so glad to have a chance to see them featured here.
3)A Picture is Worth 1000 Words...